




Tomorrow short film was excellent experience for me in its time. working with professional guys in this project was the best point of this work for me, so they certainly expected a professional work based on international works. This subject pushed me to spend long time for study and R&D about professional work. Most of tools that I create later, it was based on this project’s Rigging, to reach more speed and accurate at work. Every character had different challenge for itself and I learned to much from this project

I try to explain some of this challenges in the continue


Semsar was a fat character, but he was too fat and this matter made big challenge to Rig it. Of course, the body' Rig was challenging, not on the face, because as soon as the joints moved we had too penetration between body's mesh, so we had to define too many correctives for body, to handle this problem, but manage all of these correctives, was another challenge and we had need a great tool to drive all of these correctives. Best method I found it was Maya distance node, through this method we could run blendshapes based on mesh distance, it seemed good but it was a crazy setup, I'm not sure I'll do this method again or not. But facial Rig was completely different, it wasn't as hard as body's Rig even I love to Rig fat facial because we can make pretty good wrinkle and expressions with those

Semsar Rig Reel

Dad Rig Reel


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